Interview 2: Andrew Galpin

Andrew Galpin (ChMC, EngTech, MA, University of Chester, BEng (Hons), University of Portsmouth), Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Andy focused on the intersection of design, technology and strategy to drive more meaningful outcomes for everyday people. Before starting at Kellogg School of Management, Andy trained as an Electronic and Telecommunications Engineers before transitioning his engineering skillset into the consulting world. Over the last five years, he’s worked with executives in Utilities and Media, to define their business strategy and unlock $8M in additional revenue. In addition, he’s worked with a top mobile network provider as a complex system integrator to deliver the world’s first hybrid-cloud telecoms architecture.

When did you start thinking about doing an MBA?
My Christian faith has instilled in me the desire to lead well, lead with integrity, and ensure that business is used to drive a net-positive impact on society. The MBA provides the opportunity to build an effective foundation across the core aspects of business. Learning from leading practitioners like Carter Cass (ex-CEO of, Victoria Medvec and Timothy Calkins, will help me understand the value I can bring to an organisation, to drive a greater impact in the world.

What do you hope to achieve through your MBA experience?
Good leadership doesn’t happen by accident; it requires intentionality. The MBA is an intense time of personal investment to shape and form me into the type of leader our society needs. It is a time to make mistakes when the stakes are low and rebuild my habits into healthy, sustainable rhythms of life. The MBA is an opportunity to define the type of leader I want to be and validate and test where my skill set will add the most value.

How will you use your MBA to further your career?
Business can and should be a force for positive change in the world. My focus, post-MBA, will be on supporting companies in being more intentional about how they design their businesses. Initially advising, and then transitioning into leading high-growth technology-driven organisations.

What difference has the scholarship made to you?
SMF provides me with connections to highly-influential leaders across the UK and abroad. I have spoken with CEOs and board members of top UK companies who all know the value of an engineering skillset in the boardroom. Each one is intentional about sharing their time and expertise with the next generation, to make better organisations.

What tip would you give to someone seeking financial support to do an MBA?
“Ask, and ye shall receive”- you lose 100% of the scholarships you don’t apply for. Be intentional. Channel the effort you’ve placed into the reflection process of applying to business school into your applications for scholarships. You’ve already done most of the work! Ultimately the MBA is an investment. You need to be comfortable the MBA pays off for you in the long term. Be happy about that, and any financial support you receive will be the “cherry on the cake”.

What are your expectations of being part of the SMF network after business school?
I have already started experiencing the value of the network in the conversations I’ve had with CEOs and Board members in the few short weeks since I was accepted. I hope these connections will become a sounding board, making me a more effective leader as I lead and grow organisations in the future.

How do you hope to support SMF after you graduate from business school? 
In the US, engineering is highly sought after and incredibly competitive. I want to help ignite the same excitement and respect for the profession and the skills, in the UK. Training as an engineer is one of the best platforms to build on. As a culture, we need to recognise that more broadly and share the benefits of a foundation in engineering to any career path.

You can find Andrew Galpin on LinkedIn

Find out how to apply for a scholarship.


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