Interview 5: Eris Skampis

Eris Skampis (CEng, MEng National Technical University of Athens, MSc with Distinction University of Strathclyde), INSEAD

Prior to starting his MBA at INSEAD, Eris’s experience was primarily in the energy sector with Royal Dutch Shell. Eris is a chartered engineer and has held engineering, operational, commercial, and business development roles in the Projects & Technology, Upstream, and Downstream Shell businesses. Within Shell Shipping & Maritime, Eris was the lead naval architect for multiple new-build LNG carriers and Singapore’s first LNG Bunker vessel. His passion about energy transition led him to work on strategic and business development projects to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and build digital solutions that optimise port calls and reduce GHG emissions.

When did you start thinking about doing an MBA?
My desire and the decision to pursue an MBA came to me organically. I am a curious person and have always had a learner’s mindset. This has led me to seek opportunities to work on challenging and interesting problems and explore opportunities that lie beyond my comfort zone. During the last 2.5 years, I have worked on strategic, commercial, and business development projects alongside people with diverse skills and ways of thinking. This type of work and the people I met and learned from have inspired me to pursue an MBA.

What do you hope to achieve through your MBA experience?
During my year at INSEAD, I aim to build the foundations of my future career in business. Through the MBA, I wish to grow my knowledge and understanding of business and continue developing in my leadership journey. I hope to meet and be inspired by talented people and build a network that will enable me to have a bigger impact in the world.

How will you use your MBA to further your career?
INSEAD’s mission is to shape responsible leaders to transform business and society. I will use my MBA experience to build the right business skills, commercial acumen, and further develop my leadership skills. After the MBA, I see myself working in the energy sector in a commercial deal-making or business development role while leveraging my engineering experience. I envisage developing and investing in companies and technologies that will decarbonise the world. I am certain I will build strong relationships and friendships with people from around the world that will become the entrepreneurs and business leaders of the future.

What did you learn by going through the scholarship application process?
The entire MBA application process and the SMF Award application process in particular require a lot of reflection. I needed to be honest with myself, understand my motivation, strengths, and where I can improve. Being humble and understanding my weaknesses has helped me to work consciously on them and maintain a learner’s mindset. Undertaking such a journey helped me articulate my ambition clearly and understand better the impact I want to have in the world.

What difference has the scholarship made to you?
The SMF award provides a significant contribution towards the tuition fees of the MBA and empowers a candidate to pursue roles after graduation with the largest impact and value-added irrespective of financial or debt considerations. Probably the biggest difference this award will make in my life is the opportunity to be part of the SMF alumni network. The SMF alumni network will give me a chance to meet, collaborate, learn from and work with exceptional individuals who have shaped and will continue to shape the future of UK business.

What are your expectations of being part of the SMF network after business school?
It is a great honour to be part of the SMF alumni network. My expectation is that through my active involvement with the alumni community I will get to meet inspiring leaders of the UK industry. I look forward to the mentoring opportunities and learning from such talented people. I hope that through my interactions with the alumni community we can collaborate on projects and initiatives that can help young engineers and the UK industry overall.

How do you hope to support SMF after you graduate from business school? 
Throughout my life, my mentors have influenced my development, both professionally and personally, shaped who I am, and how I think. Despite their different characters, they all share a common trait: a strong desire to “pay it forward”. I wish to follow their example and I believe the SMF community can be a great platform for mentoring opportunities and will allow me to give back to future generations of bright engineers and business leaders. I very much look forward to becoming involved with SMF initiatives such as the Engineers in Business Competitions and help promote the SMF and EIBF.

You can find  Eris Skampis on LinkedIn.

Find out how to apply for a scholarship.


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