• School for CEOs

    Patrick Macdonald, Partner, School for CEOs

    There Patrick Macdonaldhas never been a greater need to prepare businessmen and women to become CEOs. The biggest recession in 80 years, intense media scrutiny and investor nervousness all combine to make the top job tougher than ever.

    When I was CEO of John Menzies – a £1.5 billion quoted plc with a substantial family shareholding – it struck me that, as in any position, CEOs get better as they learn. I certainly did. But the old dictum “leaders are born and not made” still holds sway in many quarters. We still expect CEOs to take on the toughest job in business without any specific preparation.

    This seems a little strange!

    We have in the past teamed up with David Sole, the well known international rugby captain and business coach, to launch the School for CEOs. David has coached main Board directors and senior executives from a wide variety of functions including finance, human resources, sales and marketing, IT, property, legal and company secretariat.

    Experienced businessmen and women teach the next generation of business leaders using a carefully structured curriculum. A highly accomplished Advisory Board works with us, including Sir David Reid (Chairman of Intertek plc and ex-Chairman of Tesco plc), Jonathan Warburton (Chairman of Warburtons) and Alex Wilson (ex-Group HR Director at BT plc).

    The two-day Vital Few residential programme covers the complexities of:

    • managing up – forming a relationship with the Chairman and Board
    • managing down – leading the team
    • managing out – handling investors and the media and
    • managing in – staying centred and grounded

    Future leaders explore what really happens in the boardroom, rather than academic theories and frameworks. There is follow on coaching to help embed the learnings, insight and wisdom gained on the programme. And delegates join a fantastic network which will grow as the School grows.

    The Vital Few is a standalone programme. It also forms the first module of the comprehensive Alchemy of Leadership programme which lasts eight days spread over several months.

    The course is aimed at anyone three years or less from becoming a CEO, as well as those already in the job. For future programme dates, visit www.schoolforceos.com.

    Case studies correct at the time of publication.  SMFs may have moved to new posts since publication.  For the latest career information on our Fellows visit our SMF Profile Page.


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