• SMF Appointed CEO at Seafish

    Sainsbury Management Fellow, Marcus Coleman has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Seafish from Compass Point Business Services where, as Managing Director, he led a multi-disciplinary organisation with a staff of 250 and a client base of more than 200,000 Lincolnshire residents.


    Under his leadership, Compass Point has established one of the most innovative and successful shared services models in the sector, reducing costs by around 25%.

    Marcus has a wealth of senior executive experience in both the public and private sector and it was clear to the interviewing panel that his strategic leadership skills and his proven track record of delivery across a range of different working environments would allow him to quickly add value to the UK seafood industry.

    Marcus will take up the position at Seafish in January 2016.

    For the full press release visit Seafish.





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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250