• SMFs Connect in New York

    SMF New York Networking Event October 2014

    British Engineers are renowned for their railway building skills the world over and for 100 years 42nd and Park has been the temple to railway engineering, the site of Grand Central Station.  So this was more than a fitting location for a group of British engineers to meet up on the 30 September at The Campbell Apartment Terrace in in New York City.  This event was organised and hosted by Laurence Knight, who together with Alpesh Amin on the West Coast, have set out to foster networking amongst the SMF community living in the USA.

    Together with Laurence were Evaristus Mainsah, coming down from IBM in Armonk New York, Gavin Mc Mahon, from Connecticut and David Crosbie who arranged for a NY speaking engagement on that day, coming from Massachusetts.  Two others who didn’t quite make it were Phil Strong, hoping to fly through New York from London on his way home to California and Aidan McGilly, who resides in New York City.

    Coincidentally I was on holiday in New York City and staying just a few short blocks away, so was able to attend as well.

    It was a lively event – David, Laurence and Gavin talked about running their own businesses and Evaristus talked about life in New York and IBM.

    All felt that there was real value in connecting  with other SMFs  in the USA.  Over the next few months, Laurence and will be reaching out to all SMFs in the States to find out what sort of activities and events  would be of  interest.


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