
Sainsbury Management Fellows is the MBA scholarship scheme of Engineers in Business Fellowship.

Engineers in Business Fellowship (EIBF) is a registered charity that promotes the importance and value of business education for engineers in order to improve people’s lives and the performance of the UK and global economies.

EIBF empowers engineers to become leaders in UK industry, helps them achieve their full potential and attain career goals, and inspires a passion for business innovation amongst undergraduate engineers. It does this by providing four pillars of support:

  • Sainsbury Management Fellows MBA scholarships – up to £500,000 awarded each year
  • Fundraising campaign to sustain the scholarship scheme and help more engineers gain an MBA
  • Career and entrepreneur mentoring
  • Business competitions aimed at engineering students and recent graduates


The Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMF) scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for high flying engineers to secure £50,000 towards studying for an MBA at a top international business school. The SMF scholarship scheme helps young engineers with leadership qualities to combine business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK and global economy.

Each year £500,000 of SMF scholarships are awarded to 10 young engineers with exceptional qualifications and leadership potential. The scholarship enables the awardees to acquire skills in leadership, strategic thinking, marketing, economics and finance.

The scholarship enhances the career potential of young engineers and enables them to take on high profile positions, providing essential skills for boardroom roles and to start innovative companies. The scheme is also helping to reposition the image of engineering by encouraging young talent to follow this path.

On graduation, awardees become Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMFs) and gain access to an impressive professional network, high level business events, mentoring and career support.
Learn more about the SMF scheme


Engineers in Business Fellowship is the registered charity and fund raising entity for the Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship scheme. EIBF is driving forward a fundraising campaign that will ensure that the SMF scholarship scheme is self-sustaining and can continue to support young engineers with financial support to undertake MBA degrees at the best schools in the world. The SMF Alumni have already donated £2.5 million of the initial £5 million target. Learn more about EIBF’s fundraising and how you can support engineers who shape the world we live in.


SMFs provide career mentoring to engineers and engineering undergraduates. Mentees benefit from a wealth of experience, knowledge, contacts and gain valuable support with career and/or entrepreneurship ambitions. Individual SMFs mentor young engineers who are not part of the SMF community including the engineering undergraduates in the Royal Academy of Engineering Leaders Scholarships programme. SMFs also provide mentoring for the first prize winners of the EIBF Engineers in Business university-run competitions.

Career mentoring is also provided for SMFs. This includes executive mentoring which pairs SMFs with captains of industry to help them prepare, for example, for non executive director roles. In addition, SMFs provide support for fellow-SMFs, both as formal and informal mentors as well as collaborating on business innovations.
Learn more about the SMF mentoring


ENGINEERS IN BUSINESS COMPETITION FOR UNIVERSITIES AND FE INSTITUTIONS – EIBF developed the Engineers in Business competition to encourage more undergraduate and graduate engineers to gain additional commercial education. The competition encourages young engineers to get involved in business innovation and develops a passion for entrepreneurship at an early stage. Engineers in Business is run in association with leading universities and FE institutions, leveraging existing competitions or elective modules and existing arrangements within higher and further educational institutions (HEIs/FEIs), such as those between engineering departments and affiliated business schools. Learn more about Engineers in Business and how to apply to run the competition at your university or FEI.


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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250