Sainsbury Management Fellows


  • Can We Help You Prepare for the Top Job?

    SMF Patrick Macdonald, Partner, School for CEOs There has never been a greater need to prepare businessmen and women to become CEOs. The biggest recession in 80 years, intense media scrutiny and investor...

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  • NEDs Just Got Interesting?

    Mark Winkle, COO, IDDAS The world of the NED has been moving at a pace, the traditional view of a NED; ex-top executive, one or two board positions after...

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  • Is Manufacturing the linchpin of the British economy?

    Chris Coopey, Partner, Carpenter Box LLP The 3,000 redundancies planned by BAE come as a bitter blow to the firm's employees and to perhaps, the 6,000 subcontractors who supply the firm.  But...

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  • Creating Strategy Middle Up

    SMF Paul Christodolou The age of top-down strategy is long gone. This doesn't fit with the guiding principles of modern, empowered business cultures as it tends to disempower and demotivate the people...

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  • Recruiting Trends in Engineering

    SMF Mike Astell has both engineering and business qualifications, the latter he gained through his MBA study thanks to a hefty bursary from Sainsbury Management Fellows which champions the idea of having engineers...

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  • President’s Letter

    SMF Ernest Poku Each time I look through the profile book it impresses me how unique a group the Fellows are. Although we work in a wide variety of industries and roles, we all share a common perspective and...

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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250