SMF Investor Group Meeting – March 2020
The SMF Investor Group brings together Fellows who lead dynamic technology and engineering-led businesses to share investment experiences and ideas that enrich their knowledge about investment, growth strategies, market trends and opportunities. The frank exchange of information, feedback and advice helps members take a fresh look at challenges and strategies they may deploy.
The second meeting of the SMF Investor Group took place in March 2020 and was attended by 22 SMFs and guests and chaired by SMF, Michael Hill, former Vice Chairman of Barclays Investment Bank and founder of the youth charity Rackets Cubed.
Michael introduced the three SMF speakers, Henning von Spreckelsen, investor and director of multiple companies, who spoke about pre- and post-investment activity to avoid buyers’ remorse; Will Myles, Global Director – Future Growth at RICS who discussed the market opportunity for RICS’ Global Cost Data Service and Phil Westcott, CEO of Filament AI, who gave an update on the AI investment landscape.
Pre- and post-investment activity to avoid buyers’ remorse
Henning von Spreckelsen brings to the group a wealth of investment experience in multiple markets including large capital equipment, automation equipment, underwater lighting, packaging, chemicals, recycled plastics and the service sector.
Opening his presentation, Henning stressed the importance of potential investors asking the difficult questions up front to gain a full understanding of a future investment. It is vital that investors understand three key areas before committing funds and their management expertise: (1) the projected profitability of a business (and how profitability is being measured – by customer or product); (2) does the business have a viable plan for scaling up, when it will break even and deliver a return beyond selling the business sometime in the distant future and (3) how savvy is the senior management, not just about their product/service, but about profitability and how and when they will show a return to investors.
Henning then explained how businesses seeking investment can improve gross margin, for example, by improving the design of the product or process in order to cut fixed costs while maintaining the integrity of the offering, so that the business can break even earlier, make more profit and achieve sustained growth. Potential investors need to be confident that the senior management has a thorough grasp on all elements of pricing and manufacturing options and know how many units of a product or service it must sell to generate dividends and ongoing growth. Henning then outlined real-life examples of how businesses can achieve growth and profitability based on his investment experience and concluded with a hard-hitting set of questions to help prospective investors get the answers they need to make educated investments. This is one of the best ways to avoid buyers’ remorse!
The Future of BCIS
RICS is a global professional body for the built environment. It provides a long-established and highly valuable product, BCIS, an online construction project cost data service for the UK real estate industry which provides life cycle cost and carbon data. BCIS has 4,000 users who generate 1 million web hits annually. BCIS enables users to prepare cost plans, provide early cost advice to clients and benchmark costs for both commercial and residential buildings.
Launched in the 1960s, it has enormous scope to evolve using the latest digital technology including cloud and AI. SMF Will Myles engaged the Investor Group in a lively debate on the use and benefits of BCIS and received a number of interesting suggestions on the potential for developing the product in the future.
Changes in the AI Investment Landscape
SMF Phil Westcott, CEO of Filament AI, a software and services firm specialising in applied AI and Machine Learning, gave an update on his business and the shifts in the investment landscape of AI companies. Phil previously presented at the Investor Group Meeting in November 2018. Since that time, Phil described the emergence of more horizontal AI business models, representing tooling and services that empower other organisations to build AI powered products or vertical point solutions. He described how the ownership of IP is an interesting dynamic in the AI industry and how few of these horizontal companies can act as a pure SaaS play without the need for a services arm to help clients adopt and personalise their AI assets.
Phil then went on to outline the growth and strategic developments within Filament AI, a company that is still almost entirely self-funded rather than through external investors. The company has built long-term differentiation through major R&D grant awards funding, 8.5 years of Applied AI research, and world class academic partnerships, which has enabled it to accelerate the latest Applied AI techniques into enterprise. These enterprise clients include international brands such as Fujitsu, HSBC and Unilever. Filament has grown 60% year on year since 2017, generating revenues of over £5 million. The group discussed Filament’s growth and investment options, including spinning off their products versus maintaining an integrated group.
SMF Fundraising
The Investors Group Meeting concluded with a presentation by Philip Kasumu, European Growth Lead for Founders Pledge, who introduced the charity and networking organisation as a potential partner to help the SMF fundraising campaign.
If you are an SMF who is interested in getting involved in the Investor Group, please contact the SMF Office for further information.
Welcoming the New MBA Scholarship AwardeesWe were delighted to welcome our new Sainsbury Management Fellows at the New Members Dinner on 18 September 2019.
As well as a great networking opportunity and a splendid dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel in London, guests were treated to a talk by guest speaker, Rob Carroll, Director of Catapult Ventures Group, Professor at Nottingham University Business School and an Angel Investor.
Rob Carroll is an experienced investor. He has had a varied career that includes 10 years as a pharmacist with Boots and a career in venture capital with 3i plc. Following a short spell with ECI he founded Catapult Ventures in 1999. Catapult currently has funds under management of around £130 million. As well as chairing Catapult’s investment committees Rob is a professorship at Nottingham University Business School, teaching MBA and MSc students about Venture Capital and Private Equity.
Here is a summary of Rob’s talk and top tips on how to gain investment:
Getting your business and fresh projects off the ground is a tricky business. One of the hardest yet most crucial ingredients to initial and continued success is securing funding and investment. Although each funding pitch is unique, there are several measures you can take that will make your pitch significantly more effective every time.
Rob and his colleagues receive hundreds of business plans per year. They will hear pitches from perhaps 20% of these. However, of all business plans received only 2-3% will be successful in securing funding. So, he knows how tough these meetings are, and he knows what works. Here are some of his tips on securing investment for your venture.
Getting A Meeting
When trying to get a meeting, many people make the mistake of communicating in a way that is a little, well, ‘business-like’. Hard, cold, stuffy communication rarely gets a good reception. When asking for a meeting, writing a proposal or fleshing out a business plan, remember that you are talking to a human. Politeness, frankness and genuine warmth are much more attractive and persuasive qualities. Ask for an introduction from someone known to and respected by the investor. The investor knows that these are likely to be higher quality opportunities as they have already gotten over one barrier namely that of a trusted intermediary willing to make a friendly introduction!
Meeting Preparation
Even when the stakes are high, you may be surprised at how many people come to a meeting not having made detailed enough preparations. This does not only include the pitch content, but it also refers to the physical meeting itself. Who are you taking with you? How long is the meeting going to be? What is the format? What questions are the potential investors likely to ask? None of these considerations should be last minute. You must make every effort to ensure that you arrive at the meeting calm, confident and in control; for this, preparation is key.
Pitch Content
Carefully consider your pitch content. What are the essential core values of your proposition? What details can be left until the questions section of the meeting? Your pitch should be as concise and engaging. Investors hear hundreds of pitches, so they will switch off if your pitch is not slick, interesting and appropriately brief. Rob advises that your presentation length to question time length ratio should be about 1:3 respectively. Investors like to see how you react to questioning as it gives them a good idea of what you are like to work with.
Here are the key areas to cover in your pitch, these are the main points that potential investors are interested in:
- Who you are, what is your experience and how well do you work together as a team?
- Who else believes in you? Do you have an experienced mentor or chair willing to help guide you and your colleagues?
- Is your market a large and growing one?
- What is your Unique Selling Point? Is it defendable?
- What is your exit strategy? How will you make money for investors?
Trust Yourself
People can see doubt. So, do not let doubt or second-guessing get in the way of you delivering a stellar pitch. Trust that you know your business and your market and that your proposal is justified. Confidence is key to securing support.
At the end of the day, the people around you are the most important thing for your business. If you are surrounded by good, knowledgeable people; a plethora of people with different opinions, expertise levels and backgrounds moving towards the same goal, you are half-way there.
Not only does having good people on your team mean that problem solving and finding new angles becomes easier, but it looks good. Investors invest not just in ventures they like, but people and teams they believe they can trust, work and get along with. Getting the right people working alongside you is probably the most important thing for your venture.
Speech by David Falzani, SMF President
The Sainsbury Management Fellowship was founded 32 years ago by Lord Sainsbury, who had the foresight to understand that having the right business skills was going to be essential for the future success of engineering and technology.
The fellowship promotes and demonstrates the value of a combined business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK economy. It firstly does this by selecting the brightest young engineers and providing them with scholarships to the top 14 MBA schools in the world. It then provides an alumni support and development network, as well as a programme of outbound communications, to create a whole, greater than the sum of its parts.
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech 2019
I always enjoy being at the Sainsbury Management Fellows’ Annual Dinner because it is an opportunity to celebrate the success of the scheme and the work of the Sainsbury Management Fellows. When the scheme was set up 32 years ago the purpose was to fund a small number of the best young engineers to go abroad to get MBAs. It was hoped that business skills would help them rise quickly to the top of large British companies or to set up their own high-tech businesses.

Another great Christmas gathering where our president, David Falzani MBE, gave an overview of achievements, including the very successful Engineers in Business university prize fund which has already awarded 23 universities over £70,000 in prize funds.
Are you leading an innovative tech or engineering-led business that is solving a problem in society or transforming an industry? Would you value objective advice from business experts and an injection of funding? You could be the kind of investment opportunity that the SMF Investor Group is looking for.
The SMF Investor Group is a new initiative launched by Sainsbury Management Fellow (SMF) Michael Hill, former Vice Chairman of Barclays Investment Bank, and the Founder of the ground-breaking charity, Rackets Cubed which teaches sports, maths, robotics and coding to schoolchildren. Rackets Cubed gives children from inner city London the opportunity to fulfil their academic potential, improve their physical and mental health and to aim high in all aspects of their lives.
The inaugural SMF Investor Group meeting was attended by 25 SMFs, all of whom are involved in starting, scaling and capital provision of engineering and technology-focused companies.
SMF Michael Hill opened the event by setting out the goal for the Investor Group – to identify the best business investment opportunities inside and outside the SMF network and explore provision of both capital and advisory support.
Within the SMF network, there are already 40 Fellows involved directly in finance and investment management, with the majority of these being in VC or growth investment. In addition, 60 SMFs own and/or manage small to medium-sized businesses, some of whom are also privately investing. There is tremendous knowledge and experience within the SMF network that can be used to support ambitious, fast-growing tech/engineering businesses.
Michael Hill said: “The level of capital support for good ideas and teams is at record levels despite some economic uncertainties. SMFs have diverse experience across virtually every industry, sector and geography and our Fellows’ ability to understand the core disruptive technologies is key to investment success.”
SMF works closely with the Royal Academy of Engineering’s (RAEng) Enterprise Hub, for example, providing mentors to young engineers and entrepreneurs and Ana Avaliani, Head of Enterprise at the RAEng attended the SMF Investor Group launch to speak about the Enterprise Hub. Ana outlined the role of the Enterprise Hub and how it has helped aspiring entrepreneurs to launch exciting new businesses that have created nearly 400 jobs over the last 5 years. She concluded by applauding the SMF Investor Group initiative and looks forward to working with the Fellows in the group to support entrepreneurs.
Presentations were received from two SMFs who have established thriving new enterprises that are scaling-up. Seeking feedback and advice from the Fellows in attendance, SMF Taha Dar presented his innovative new company, SearchSmartly, which matches buyers and renters to properties that truly meet their needs, saving hours of time searching for the right property. The young business has already expanded from working with small agents to working with larger high street agents, significantly enhancing their services.
The second presentation was given by SMF Phil Westcott, co-CEO of which provides AI solutions to major brands. Filament marries machine learning, software development and application design to enable clients to build their own AI solutions. An innovative young start-up, Filament, is leading the way in the application of AI, growing rapidly in the process and is set to turnover £1.75m after just two and half years in operation. Phil Westcott gave attendees a useful insight into the investor landscape for AI innovators and highlighted the need to educate more professionals on the capabilities of AI.
The evening concluded with a commitment to build on the launch meeting, to gather the investment and entrepreneurial data of the members of the Group, so that knowledge, skills and opportunities can be shared, and Fellows seeking support in scaling their businesses can be supported. If you are an SMF or another entrepreneur interested in learning more about the SMF Investor Group, please get in touch with the SMF Office.
Speech by David Falzani, SMF President
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Fellows, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our annual dinner. A special welcome to our Fellows who have travelled from afar to be with us
this evening: Karim El-Hamel from Turkey, Graham MacGregor from Australia and Alpesh Amin and Mike Hughes MBE from California.
The Fellowship was founded 31 years ago by Lord Sainsbury, who had the foresight to understand that having the right business skills was going to be essential for the future success of engineering and technology.
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech 2018, Delivered by SMF James Raby
It is always a great pleasure to come to these dinners because not only is the Sainsbury Management Fellows scheme a great success, but over the years it has also quietly and steadily taken on new initiatives to widen the scope of its influence.
It is always a great pleasure to come to these dinners because not only is the Sainsbury Management Fellows scheme a great success, but over the years it has also quietly and steadily taken on new initiatives to widen the scope of its influence.
The Rubens Hotel, 39 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0PS
Introducer & Facilitator:
Introduction by SMF Will Myles, Regional MD Asia Pacific at RICS
Panel discussion facilitated by Dan Hughes, Director of Data Products at RICS
- Yodit Stanton, Founder & CEO at
- Neil Thompson, Delivery Manager at Digital Built Britain, Digital Transformation at Atkins, CEO of dotBuiltEnvironment
- SMF Adam Locke, Partnership and Innovation Leader, Laing O’Rorke
- SMF Will Myles, Regional MD Asia Pacific at RICS
SMF Will Myles, Regional Managing Director – Asia Pacifc for RICS organised a discussion on how technology is changing real estate/the built environment, with technical experts, developers and contractors expressing their views at our annual Welcome New Members’ Dinner in September 2017.
Some of the points which emerged from the evening were:
Technology is starting to have a major impact on the built environment sector, which has been fairly slow to adopt and react. Innovation is a key challenge as the sector has not historically been, or needed to be, particularly innovative. There are plenty of reasons for this:
Innovation is a key challenge as the sector has not historically been, or needed to be, particularly innovative. There are plenty of reasons for this:
- Decision making is all too often siloed across different players and functions, both in the public and private sectors, which is hindering the innovation.
- The public sector, directly or indirectly, is generally the biggest buyer in the market, yet procurement policies hinder innovation.
- There is a skills deficit for the built environment and for the digital environment which needs addressing. The built environment is standards driven and in an innovative environment, those standards do not yet exist.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is going reasonably well although global uptake is slow. Markets with higher levels of uptake have had a specifc government push in public procurement policies – the UK is a good example. We are still a long way from BIM being a cradle to grave solution, driven in part by industry structure, so life-cycle impact is yet to be seen.
Some of the drivers for change are the move to the Cloud, meaning that people can work from anywhere and the fact that barriers to entry have come down. This may be prompted by cost, security or the platform approach of the big companies (Amazon, Google, etc.)
Major property consultancies have been investing in new technology through acquisition, as they have the balance sheet to do so and there are plenty of start-up outsiders looking to disrupt. A number of specific technologies, such as Blockchain and Hyperloop were discussed and there were mixed views around the table about the nature of the impact that they will have. However, technologies will have a huge impact.
Speech by David Falzani, SMF President
My Lords Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Fellows, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all, to the 30th anniversary dinner, of the Sainsbury Management Fellows.
Anniversaries are wonderful occasions for celebration. They give us the opportunity to reflect on the years gone by, and to look ahead to the future.
The Sainsbury Management Fellowship scheme was founded in 1987 by Lord Sainsbury, to demonstrate the value of a combined business and engineering education, to improve the performance of the UK and world economies. In this time, over 330 of the brightest young engineers have been selected, and provided with scholarships to the top 14 MBA schools in the world.
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
I am very pleased to be here to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Sainsbury Management Fellowship Scheme with you. Thank you for this opportunity to reflect on why I set up the Scheme, how it has measured up and my hopes for the future.
Assessing the success of the scheme has been easy to do because I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about my Foundation and how well it has done.
I set up the Gatsby Charitable Foundation in 1967, and this year, almost exactly fifty years after I set it up, the amount of money given to charity by the Foundation reached £1 billion.
The President’s Speech – by James Raby, Treasurer (on behalf of David Falzani, President)
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Fellows, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our Annual Dinner. The Sainsbury Management Fellowship scheme was founded 29 years ago by Lord Sainsbury to demonstrate the value of a combined business and engineering education in improving the performance of the UK economy.
It does this first, by selecting the brightest young engineers, and providing them with scholarships to the top 14 MBA schools in the world, and then by providing an alumni support and development network, as well as crucially, a programme of outbound communications, to create a whole, that, we hope, is greater than the sum of its parts.
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
I always enjoy being at the Sainsbury Management Fellows’ Annual Dinner for two reasons. Firstly, because it is good to spend time in the company of people who share one’s views on the importance of engineering for enterprise and wealth creation. And, secondly, because I am immensely proud of what you do, and that you have taken ownership of the Sainsbury Management Fellows scheme. When the scheme was set up 29 years ago the idea was simply to fund a small number of the best young engineers to go abroad to get MBAs.
Royal Academy of Engineering & SMF Networking Reception – January 2016
The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) and SMF held a joint reception, hosted by RAEng Chairman, Chris Earnshaw. The reception gave guests the opportunity to learn more about the RAEng/SMF collaborations which are helping to promote engineering and advance the careers of talented young engineers. Speeches were made by Professor Dame Ann Dowling, President of the RAEng; David Falzani, President of Sainsbury Management Fellows and Lord Sainsbury of Turville, founder of the SMF MBA Scholarship. Read all the speeches below:
If you would like to know more about any of the initiatives discussed in the speeches, contact the SMF office SMF office
Speech by Professor Dame Ann Dowling DBE FREng FRS
It is a great pleasure to speak to you this evening at this reception celebrating the relationship between the Academy, The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and The Sainsbury Management Fellowship.
As many of you know, the aim of these fellowships is to improve the economic performance of UK engineering, manufacturing and construction businesses by providing a resource of highly motivated engineers who complement their technical qualifications with a first class business education in an international environment.
Speech by David Falzani, SMF President
Standing here in Prince Philip House, I’d like to say how inspiring it was to hear Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh recently on Radio 4’s Today Programme say, “Everything that wasn’t invented by God was invented by an engineer”. How flattering and how true that is!
We are pleased to share and support the goals of the Royal Academy, one of which is to make the UK the leading nation for engineering innovation. For many years SMFs have participated in the Academy’s Engineering Leadership Awards and Executive Engineer programmes and we are mentors to many of the ELAs and Executive Engineers.
Speech by Lord Sainsbury
I am pleased to see so many of you here this evening. It is good to be with people who share one’s view’s on the importance of enterprise and innovation in UK wealth creation and the critical role that engineering must play. On this, we all agree.
You are also no doubt aware that Engineering employers are projected to need 1.82 Million people with engineering skills from 2012-2022. This is the challenge, but there is an upside: if the demand for new engineering jobs can be filled, it will generate an additional £27 billion per year for the UK economy from 2022.
We had a record attendance at the Christmas Curry at Millbank Spice – everyone was in high spirits. An excellent opportunity for informal networking and a delicious meal.
Guest Speaker: Professor Andrew Kakabadse
Andrew Kakabadse, Author of Bloomsbury’s management book of the year, The Success Formula, How to deliver outstanding value spoke about how the world’s best organisations deliver value to their stakeholders at the New Fellows’ Dinner on 3 September 2015.
You can hear some of the presentation here.
To learn more about Professor Kakabadse’s work, click here.
Andrew Kakabadse is Professor of International Management Development at Cranfield University, School of Management. Andrew is currently Visiting Professor/Scholar in Australian, USA, and Irish Universities. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Management, Fellow of the British Psychology Society and Fellow of the British Academy of Management. Andrew has consulted and lectured in the UK, Europe, USA, SE Asia, China, Japan, Russia, Georgia, the Gulf States, India and Australia. He was also Vice Chancellor of the International Academy of Management and has been Chairman of the Division of Occupational Psychology, British Psychological Society, 2001.
SMFs and a guest panel held a stimulating debate on the question “Can we engineer a tax system that works?” One that promotes the development of intellectual property and overseas investment while keeping the bulk of profits in the countries where consumers spend their money, rather than being diverted to tax havens.
It is estimated that profits that would otherwise raise £4.3 billion of corporation tax was legally ‘transferred’ out of the country to lower tax regimes between 2011 and 2012. That’s around 10% of the annual corporation tax bill. This figure is estimated to rise to £5.8billion in the next four years.
Where does the buck stop in fixing a system that structurally allows evasion and avoidance on such a grand scale?
This lively debate will be followed up in October 2015 by a video story board highlighting some key comments from the debate.
To read more about the debate and the panel click here
The President’s Speech – David Falzani
We have had an exciting year and I recommend looking at our new annual report, which details, amongst other things, our excellent Bitcoin debate, our sponsorship of a competition at Nottingham University Business School to encourage more engineering undergraduates to take a business elective – a concept we hope will prove …
SMF Comes of Age – Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
In the past few months I have been thinking a lot about the effectiveness of the major projects which Gatsby has funded over the years. The reason for doing so is that amazingly in 2017 Gatsby will have been in existence for 50 years, and I am currently in the process of commissioning a book about what …
SMF Fundraising Committee Chair, Simon Bonini Updates on the Fundraising Campaign
The return on Lord Sainsbury’s investment is fantastic. Over 60 Fellows are repeat entrepreneurs and 280 businesses founded by SMFs are still going strong. Over 40% of SMFs currently hold executive board roles and 33% have non-executive roles. Engineers with business skills are a powerful wealth creator and force for good …
The President’s Speech – David Falzani
Two years ago I announced that SMF had become a registered Charity in order to continue Lord Sainsbury’s vision of promoting and demonstrating the value of a combined business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK and world economies. I’m pleased to report that we have further built upon last year’s successes and have now …
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
I always enjoy the dinners of the Sainsbury Management Fellows as it is good to spend time in the company of people who share one’s views on the importance of enterprise and wealth creation, but equally see a distinction between wealth creation and wealth appropriation.It is also encouraging to see each year the increasing contribution the Sainsbury Management …
The President’s Speech – David Falzani
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Fellows, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our annual dinner. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m David Falzani, and I’m President of the Sainsbury Management Fellowship. Last year I announced that SMF had become a registered Charity. I’m pleased to say that over the v in the formalisation of our …
The President’s Speech – David Falzani
Many of you will know that it’s been our intention for The SMF to become a charity. I am pleased to report that in October last year we incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. This both provides limited liability for members and also allows for perpetual succession – this means that SMF is poised to continue in the future as an entity in its own right …
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
As always it is a pleasure to be here this evening, and can I say how delighted I am to see Alan Cook and Rob Margetts here tonight. They do a wonderful job for the Society as mentors, and their presence here gives me the opportunity to thank them for all they do for the Society.The Sainsbury Management Fellows Scheme was set up in 1987 so it has been going ….
The President’s Speech – David Falzani
Our vision as an organisation is to promote and demonstrate the value of a combined business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK economy. I believe that SMF has taken another important step forward in the last twelve months in trying to make a real difference in this goal. We have been outward looking, distributing our …
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
Over the last couple of years I have been writing a book about the political economy of economic growth. This has involved me in looking at why at particular times countries have caught up with those at the technological frontier, and why other countries have forged ahead or fallen behind. What emerges from all these different case studies is the …
Ernest Poku
Our vision as an organisation is to promote and demonstrate the value of a combined business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK economy. I believe that SMF have taken an important step forward in the last twelve months in trying to make a real difference to our economy. It has been a busy time – this year we held 5 events and I …
Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
For me the most important goal of the Sainsbury Management Fellows Scheme has always been that it produces outstanding businessmen and women who provide the leadership which British industry needs. It is, therefore, a matter of great pride to me that of the 260 members who have graduated from business school, 89% are employed in industry or services to industry …