Sainsbury Management Fellows

in the mediaNews: In The Media

This section features media some Sainsbury Management Fellows media commentary and articles.

The 300 Sainsbury Management Fellows work in diverse industries and have a wealth of experience and expertise and are happy to comment on the following topics:

• Information technologies
• Leadership / board effectiveness / corporate governance / skills diversity
• Business planning, development and growth
• Entrepreneurship / raising investment funds
• Risk management
• Change management
• Energy / clean technology
• Business education
• The engineer brand
• Mentoring young engineers

Should you require a spokesperson on the above topics, please contact

  • Engineering & Technology

    SMF announces latest graduates to win a scholarship.

  • Engineering & Technology

    Launch of new work experience section of IET – SMF Andy Airey, Chief Executive of Inspiring Futures Foundation, offers advice on planning for, gaining and maximising   work experience.

  • Achieving Business Excellence Feature

    packet sea salt and vinegar SMALLER

    Operations: Taste! David Falzani, CEO at Polaris Associates and President of SMF says engineers need to get a taste for marketing

  • Real Business

    News of the World Phone Hacking: Real Business asked four business owners what they would do if they were in Rupert Murdoch’s shoes.  Julian Fagandini, an SMF and owner of Fagandini Associates comments.

  • Professional Engineer

    SMF President, David Falzani quote in article “new-found respect for engineering – we must hope the photo opportunities and fine words are underpinned by substance. “

  • Financial Times

    Adult Stem Cell Banks Win Go ahead – Ilika helping to spearhead new medical advance.  Also featured in the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail.

  • Daily Telegraph

    The Power is in the plants: A drive towards sustainable technologies will help biofuels gain ground against fossil fuels.


  • Materials Today

    SMF & CEO of Ilika plc, Graham Purdy looks at re-engineering the boardroom

  • Engineering Options


    Shelly restores Dymag to its past glory.
    To read more on Dymag click here
    View Video

  • BBC World Service Digital Planet

    Presenter Gareth Mitchell talks to SMF Phil Westcott whose company is behind a non-profit organisation that aims to unite language teachers in the developing world with clients in the West offering lessons via Skype.


More Blogs

The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250