Sainsbury Management Fellows

in the mediaNews: In The Media

This section features media some Sainsbury Management Fellows media commentary and articles.

The 300 Sainsbury Management Fellows work in diverse industries and have a wealth of experience and expertise and are happy to comment on the following topics:

• Information technologies
• Leadership / board effectiveness / corporate governance / skills diversity
• Business planning, development and growth
• Entrepreneurship / raising investment funds
• Risk management
• Change management
• Energy / clean technology
• Business education
• The engineer brand
• Mentoring young engineers

Should you require a spokesperson on the above topics, please contact

  • Achieving Business Excellence

    packet sea salt and vinegar SMALLER

    The Vital Ingredient: David Falzani, CEO at Polaris Associates and President of SMF says engineers need to get a taste for marketing.

  • Professional Engineer

    Gordon Brown’s record on science, engineering and technology defended by Lord Sainsbury. Lord Sainsbury’s speech is reported from the SMF Annual Dinner.

  • The Telegraph

    Expert view on BEC Engineering and Design Company’s product expansion. SMF President, David Falzani, gives his view on BEC’s plans for diversifying its product portfolio.

  • The Independent

    How to woo high-flying engineers into business

    SMF President explains how Lord Sainsbury’s vision of getting more engineers into boardrooms is having an effect with many SMFs heading up major companies as well as setting up successful enterprises.


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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250