Sainsbury Management Fellows

in the mediaNews: In The Media

This section features media some Sainsbury Management Fellows media commentary and articles.

The 300 Sainsbury Management Fellows work in diverse industries and have a wealth of experience and expertise and are happy to comment on the following topics:

• Information technologies
• Leadership / board effectiveness / corporate governance / skills diversity
• Business planning, development and growth
• Entrepreneurship / raising investment funds
• Risk management
• Change management
• Energy / clean technology
• Business education
• The engineer brand
• Mentoring young engineers

Should you require a spokesperson on the above topics, please contact

  • Engineering & Technology

    Feature on Sainsbury Management Fellows – Boardroom Dreams and case study on SMF, Phil Westcott, IBM General Manager Leadership Development Programme.

  • Business Works

    Engineers bring skills to FTSE boards.

  • Real Business

    Chirag Shah – CEO of Ecurie Group about the post-Lehman weeks, the adrenalin rush given by great cars and GPS Paintball.

  • Professional Engineer

    Top Firms take Engineers on Board – research says more than half of FTSE 100 companies have an engineer on their boards

  • Business Works

    David Falzani, SMF President argues that UK Boards need More Engineers.

  • Engineering & Technology

    SMF Secretary James Raby comments on how engineering degrees open doors to different careers.

  • Bristol University

    Five engineering students from the University of Bristol selected as ‘inspirational role models to the next generation of engineers’ by the Royal Academy of Engineering with SMF playing its part.

  • Engineering & Technology

    SMF David Hardy, former operations and technical director of EnviroWales and now an independent consultant, comments on recycling 50,000 tonnes of lead acid batteries and scrap metal each year in E&T’s Eco-engineering article.

  • Financial Times

    SMF Richard Atkinson, comments in the FT’s  Ask the Expert column on investment and funding.

  • The Independent

    SMF President quoted in article An MBA is the Perfect Way to Change Direction.


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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250