Sainsbury Management Fellows

case studiesCase Studies

Sainsbury Management Fellows have varied and diverse careers. The common thread to these case studies this that all the Fellows are engineers with management skills and a global outlook obtained from taking an international MBA. The Fellows credit their analytical and problem-solving abilities to their study of engineering and consider it the foundation for their success.

SMFs have dynamic careers, so it is possible that Fellows featured in this section may have changed role since their case study was published.

For more SMF case studies, please see our 25th-anniversary book, Engineering New Horizons, which features exciting, successful careers of 25 SMFs.   View the online book.

  • MBA a game changer – switching from a technical role to a broader management role

    Chartered Engineer Dere Ogbe, Shell Corporate Strategy and Portfolio, who gained an SMF-sponsored MBA at LBS, tells us about his career progression. How has the MBA galvanised your career? The greatest benefit I derived from my MBA was acquiring the skills to tackle problems...

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  • SMF Scholarship Winners: 2015

    Busola Banjo BEng (Hons) CEng MIET Busola is currently pursuing her MBA at INSEAD Business School. Prior to this, she worked as an engineering consultant in London where she spent a year as a Principal Engineer with Ramboll and six years with Arup. She graduated from the University of...

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  • From MBA to DNA

    Chris Martin is Chief Executive of Sciona, a company at the cutting edge of business innovation and the revolution in genetics. Chris Martin is a highly qualified chemical engineer. His MBA demystified the...

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  • Engineering my Way into Digital Publishing

    Serge Taborin, MD, Archant Digital Ventures Engineering qualifications and skills have led Serge Taborin in directions he couldn’t have imagined, including winning a Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMF) MBA...

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  • Marrying Engineering and Business Skills for an Exciting Career

    David Falzani, President of Sainsbury Management Fellows CEO, Polaris Associates Visiting Professor at the Nottingham University Business School "One could say that my career...

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  • From Oil Rig to Board Room

    SMF Richard Kluth, Managing Director Pulse Structural Monitoring Richard Kluth's journey to becoming managing director of Pulse Structural Monitoring, a fast growing structural monitoring company for the...

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  • From Marine Engineer to Online Publishing

    SMF Lee Cowles, MD of Europe, Blurb Lee Cowles has enjoyed a varied and challenging career, starting as a marine engineer in the Royal Navy before jumping ship into bespoke manufacturing. He then made a major turn...

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  • Innovative online project fosters understanding and appreciation of different cultures

    SMF Karim El Hamel, General Manager of Ficosa International in Turkey, a leading automotive parts supplier and Co-founder of PocketCultures Who inspires you? I'm inspired by people who are motivated by...

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  • From MBA to Psychotherapy

    Philippa Dickenson, from MBA to Psychotherapy Philippa became one of the early Sainsbury Management Fellows after gaining her MBA at INSEAD in 1988.  Here Philippa   shares her thoughts the MBA and her...

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  • School for CEOs

    Patrick Macdonald, Partner, School for CEOs There has never been a greater need to prepare businessmen and women to become CEOs. The biggest recession in 80 years, intense media scrutiny and investor...

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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250