Sainsbury Management Fellows


Currently, there are 375 SMFs -300 Fellows who have graduated from business schools in Europe and the United States and 10 are studying for their degrees. All Fellows have undergraduate or graduate engineering degrees from leading institutions, as well as their MBA. Most have international experience and are multilingual.

Eighty per cent of the business school graduates are employed in industry or services to industry (of whom 70% are based in the UK or work for UK firms, 10% are in consulting), 12% are in finance and the remaining 8% are in other occupations. Sixty Fellows own and manage SME enterprises. The average age is 37.

SMF Scholarship Data

Some 230 SMFs are statutory directors and senior advisors who support boards of UK and international businesses. The remaining Fellows either hold senior consulting roles or are entrepreneurs, creating innovative technology companies that add wealth and jobs to the UK economy. In addition, many Fellows hold multiple non-executive director positions, bringing the total number of directorships across the Fellowship to 400.

The scholarship helps talented professional engineers secure senior positions within blue chip companies where they can improve their performance across the spectrum and thus the fortunes of the UK economy. The scholarship does this by enabling highly motivated professional engineers to complement their technical qualifications and skills with a first-class business education in an international setting. Consequently, all Fellows have degrees from leading centres of engineering education, up to ten years international business experience and their SMF sponsored MBA from a renowned business school.

In addition to supporting a diversity of organisations – from blue-chip corporations to innovative SMEs – the Fellows provide a rich source of knowledge and contacts for the members and are also an independent source of information and advice to non-members.

SMF provides impartial advice on the commercialisation, economic and social impact of technology across many industries and not-for-profit sectors.  Fellows have developed special interest groups which consult with industry, institutions and political players on topics such as climate change and manufacturing in the 21st century.

To learn more about the wide range of experience and expertise among the Fellowship, on which you can call, please go to profiles.


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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250