Sainsbury Management Fellows

Annual Reports

We are pleased to share the events and achievements of the SMF – please feel free to download our Annual Reports and get in touch with if you have any enquiries.

AGM Repoer 2021

Annual Report
2020 - 2021

In a year like no other when COVID-19 forced us all to transform the way we live and work, EIBF continued to engage with and support its Sainsbury Management Fellows, engineers and our university partners with their Engineers in Business innovation competitions...

AGM Repoer 2020

Annual Report
2019 - 2020

Extending our reach to new audiences: The expansion of our Engineers in Business Competitions and the culmination of these competitions at the Champion of Champions Final in October 2019 have given unparalleled exposure for our messages on the importance of business skills for engineers. Publicity before and after the Engineers in Business Grand Final reached an audience of 8.4 million. This group included students considering engineering as a course of study, those already studying engineering and engineers, some of whom may be candidates for Sainsbury Management Fellows’ Scholarships in the future...

Publication 9

Annual Report
2018 - 2019

Utilising new funding, we developed a marketing and advertising plan to raise the profile of the award scheme and to reach a more diverse range of future candidates. We launched a LinkedIn advertising campaign to stimulate enquiries for the scholarship....

Publication 9

Annual Report
2017 - 2018

We are poised to start the next chapter of the Sainsbury Management Fellows Award Scheme, encouraged by Lord Sainsbury’s increased funding of our activities and the scheme itself, which rises from £30,000 to £50,000 per awardee

Publication 5

Annual Report
2016 - 2017

In our 30th anniversary year of the start of the Sainsbury Management Fellows Awards, we celebrate the success of the scheme and work to ensure that it continues in the future. SMFs have positively contributed to the economy of the UK and, through our global network, have enhanced wealth creation worldwide.

Publication 5

Annual Report
2015- 2016

In 2015/2016 Engineers in Business Fellowship steadily advanced its mission to promote and demonstrate the value of a combined business and engineering education to improve the performance of the UK economy.



Publication 5

Annual Report

I am pleased to report that the Sainsbury Management Fellows have made significant progress towards our charitable objects this past year and in so doing we have achieved the engagement of more fellows than ever – President, David Falzani.



Publication 6

Annual Report

This past year the Sainsbury Management Fellows took their first steps to secure the future of the Sainsbury Management Fellowship Scheme. On the day of the Annual Dinner in May 2013, 40 SMFs attended a Vision Meeting, where we discussed the future of the Scheme and the need for a capital fundraising campaign. Fellows were encouraged to contribute their ideas and consequently we shaped a Case for Support and outlined a fundraising plan - President, David Falzani.

Publication 7

Annual Report

With the charitable objectives in mind, EIBF constructed a Case Statement which defined our fundraising goals and set out our longer term vision, emphasizing the wider education, social and economic benefits of the Sainsbury Management Fellowship - President, David Falzani.


Publication 1

Engineering New Horizons – a new SMF book to inspire young people to choose engineering careers

To mark SMFs’ 25th anniversary, the careers of 25 of the 330 beneficiaries of a Sainsbury Management Fellows MBA scholarship are featured in Engineering New Horizons. The case study book charts the careers of the 25 Fellows, chalking up many firsts; technological innovations in the fields of medicine, e-commerce, environmental, manufacturing, transport, communications, leisure and cosmetics; resulting in job and wealth creation for the UK and global economy.

Free of charge, Engineering New Horizons is packed with stories and imagery that brings to life the scope and diversity of careers pursued by the Fellows, all of whom have at the core of their success the combination of engineering and business skills. The book is being supplied to careers services, universities, libraries and engineering institutions.

SMF President, David Falzani said, “Whilst Engineering New Horizons is a testimony to the achievements of the scholarship scheme, its primary goal is to show young people that engineering is a gateway to exciting and often unexpected career paths. We want to demonstrate that studying engineering leads to a fulfilling career and enables young people to put their stamp on the world. Engineering New Horizons is our contribution to the work being done by other bodies to stimulate interest in engineering careers in order to meet the demand for more engineers.

"Today many SMFs hold senior positions in large firms; some have created employment and value by building innovative companies, whilst others have made significant contributions to global issues related to education, sustainability and human welfare.”

Recent research shows the following achievements of the Fellows:

  • 150 founded businesses valued in excess of £4.5billion, employing over 18,000 people
  • 220 helped further develop some of the UK’s largest corporations, enhancing economic wealth
  • 40% are members of executive boards across the major corporate and SME sectors
  • Over 50% have influenced public life and over 45% have influenced education
  • 260 support and mentor young engineers as well as other charitable activities SMF is committed to promoting a combined engineering and business education. To learn more about SMF and to obtain a copy of Engineering New Horizons, email Read the online version of Engineering New Horizons
  • Engineering New Horizons is available free of charge by emailing

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Publication 2

Mentoring for Success - SMFs mentor ambitious young engineers who aspire to become business leaders

Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMFs) mentor ambitious young engineers who aspire to become business leaders.

The SMF mentoring programme provides young engineers with the opportunity to discuss their goals with highly experienced professionals who provide support and guidance that helps to fast-track their career development.

In this video SMFs talk about their own experiences as mentees.

This video features some of our Fellows talking about their experience on the Executive Mentoring Programme.

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Publication 3

The Bitcoin Debate - SMF gets the bit between its teeth

Our Bitcoin debate did not disappoint! Not only were there widely divergent views, there was lots of passion in the often fiery discussion as our debaters made their case for or against Bitcoin being a serious contender as a commodity currency.

SMF Michael Hill, Vice Chairman at Barclays Bank, chaired the lively discussion on the question is Bitcoin an engineer's naive solution, conspiracy theorists' cause or a truly global currency? Read the views and positions taken by our esteemed debaters:

  • Academic/Economist, David Bevan, Non Executive Director at Oxford Policy Management
  • Entrepreneur and SMF Henning von Spreckelsen, Chief Executive of Shere Investment and a Non-Executive Director at Square Rig
  • Adam Cleary, a Director of the UK Digital Currency Association and Founder of Bullion Bitcoin
  • Dr Tom Robinson, Chief Operating Officer of Elliptic, which bridges the gap between traditional finance and digital currencies, making it easier for enterprises and financial institutions to store and manage their digital assets
  • Bitcoin enthusiast, Daniel Neal, a Programmer at EvoEnergy
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Publication 4

Re-engineering the board to manage risk and maximise growth

SMF is encouraging HR directors to consider professional engineers with business qualifications and experience as an attractive complementary skill base for board director positions.

The call comes as research commissioned by SMF demonstrates a discrepancy between perception and recruitment reality when it comes to professional engineers' recognition as board-level appointees and the lack of diversity in the viewpoints represented around the table that this brings.

Following the research results, SMF has produced this free booklet - Re-engineering the Board to Manage Risk and Maximise Growth - for HR directors to encourage them to seek more information on the benefits and successes of professional engineers in the corporate world. Within the booklet is a skills matrix to assist in the assessment of an organisation's needs and how a business-qualified and experienced, professional engineer can enhance the board.

Hard copies of the booklet can be obtained by emailing

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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250