Sainsbury Management Fellows

Selection Procedure

Within four weeks of the closing date of your application to the Royal Academy of Engineering, you will be informed if you have been short-listed for a Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship.

Short-listed candidates who have secured a place at a business school are placed in the candidate pool, ready to be invited to a Selection Panel where the final decision on scholarship awards are made. Invitations to attend a Selection Panel are subject to availability of awards and are at the discretion of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Applications can be made in conjunction with an employer or by an individual acting independently. Where an employer supports an application, it is helpful if a covering letter confirming this with outline plans for the candidate’s subsequent career development is provided. Applications may be made at any time but preferably four months before the intended date of entry to business school, regardless of whether a place has yet been secured.

The award of a Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship is given at the discretion of the Selection Panel and the decision of the Panel is final.

Further Information:
All enquiries and references should be sent to:
Sainsbury Management Fellows Scholarship
The Royal Academy of Engineering
3 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5DG
020 7766 0600

If you have questions on the scholarship, please visit our FAQ section.

Selection Procedure


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The Sainsbury Management Fellows is registered as a charity: Engineers in Business Fellowship, charity number 1147203 and is a company limited by guarantee : 07807250